Talkin’ Boxin’ by Howie Reed – More news on men’s Boxing in February of 2003

I’LL bet ya that a lot of you out there have said, when there is a lull in the conversation at the quiche and fondue party featuring a clever new white wine, "Boy that Talkin Boxin column seems to wander around aimlessly. It’s incoherent most of the time." Not my fault. The effort is the product of a Bi-Polar disorder that can only be treated with medication. That medication comes in either tall clear bottle with a black label or a short can in gold with a black label. On the bright side being Bi Polar gives you twice as many chances in dating polars. Onward we go. Where we’re going is the real question. Well we, that would be me, were going to play boxing reporter this week. It’s one of these events that comes upon me when I’ve been away from the MGD too long. At the Latin Fury Read more [...]

Talkin’ Boxin’ by Howie Reed – Top news in Men’s Boxing February of 2003

NOT a day, week or month goes by when I’m not asked, "Howie, how is it that you are able to do such an outstanding job of covering the World of Boxing." My answer is always the same "alacrity". There are those that prefer "Smoke and Mirrors ". That is their decision. I choose "alacrity". (And thank you Al Michaels for that.) Piece of cake. No hill for a climber. That aside in these dog days of boxing (it’s like spring training only different) there are hundreds of useless story’s floating around.. The tough part is to make the decision as to which story is of interest. This week was particularly difficult. Spring came to Las Vegas. There are only one few things better than Spring in Las Vegas. I combat the emergence of spring by visiting a Dollar Store. Any Dollar Store will do. There Read more [...]

WBA September-October 2002 ratings

(SEPT 16) CARACAS, Venezuela – We like to inform that the World Boxing Association (WBA) has released its new ratings on November 25. As you will notice, these ratings correspond to the SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2002 period. We want to make it clear that this is an exceptional case since ratings are always made on a MONTHLY BASIS. Yet, due to the controversy that surrounded the September 2002 ratings released after our Annual Convention held last September in Washington D.C., our organization decided to take a new direction in the way ratings are made. The first step of this new era was taken last October 16 in New York, where WBA officials led by Executive Director Gilberto Jesús Mendoza held a hearing in which they offered an explanation about what had happened with the controversial September Read more [...]